Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Cub Scouts and Paper Mâché

I'm the Bear Den leader for my sons Cub Scout pack. Currently we are preparing for the annual Blue and Gold banquet.... Of which I am chair(of course). So this year we are going with a Mexican fiesta theme, and the boys learned how to make piñatas and masks.

The day we did masks, I had less than half of the boys come. That means I had to make extra masks at home. Which I did. Messy process! When the balloons were dry enough I stacked them in a corner of my kitchen. Popping the balloons is super cool. They shrink slowly due to the flour paste all over.... Like a skin. So now I have 16 masks and one piñata to finish at our meeting tonight.

So you may be asking:"why in the world would you volunteer to be a den leader?" It was one week before they started, and my sons den leader had to back out. Fourteen boys with no leader. Scouting is important to me. It was a big part of my childhood and I had the chance to see it done wonderfully. I want the same thing for my sons! So I stepped up. Granted, this has been a hard year! Twins plus baby while trying to teach a group of rambunctious boys.... Ohhhhh boy. But we've had several moments with them that has made all the stress worth it.


  1. Stop this right now, you are giving me a panic attack! LOL I only have 8 boys and can't imagine doing paper mache with them! You are Den Leader Extraordinaire! If things get tough you can come over to the Dark Side with me and "fake it til you make it" :)

  2. Uh, yeaaaa.... Painting was a disaster. The boys were doing fine until the last 15 minutes, then all heck broke loose. Needless to say, there was a paint incident, and now I have green paint on my coach leather baby bag. Never. Again.
